
Ice Cream Social

1/17 星期五晚上7:30, 我们将为寒假期间,放弃自己的假日,参与肯尼亚导游中文学习课的义工孩子们,举办一个小型答谢会~ ice cream social。 it was a wonderful experience.  Just want to share with you, our final presentation day video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiIO4HvsufY&list=PL-Ex3uJyzbNRVY0HZadFHUsLA0SuEyl1I&index=7

Community Town Hall Meeting

1/17 星期五晚上8点, 我们还为社区安排了今年第一场town hall.  We want to have more people actively involved in our activities, be part of the team.  希望大家都来参与,let us know your thoughts, give us your feedback.  届时,


1/19 星期天,有CAPA  NOVA的爱心发廊。 capa nova是一家专注于社区共建、传统教育和为华人社区利益发声的非盈利机构。我们CAPA的“爱心”发廊从4月14日开始,每周日下午1-5点免费为60岁以上的长者以及需要特殊关照的人群提供免费的理发(单剪)服务。如你或你的家人有需要,可扫描广告上的二维码,加入CAPA“爱心”发廊,预约登记周日的席位,谢谢! 我们CAPA的“爱心”❤️发廊同时也招募剪发的义工,如果你愿意加入我们,请与我联系,非常感谢!

Early Retirement Tax Planning for Federal Employees

1/9 星期四晚上 9点Coach Mike 将继续他的为期四周的精彩讲座: Early Retirement Tax Planning for Federal Employees.  应时应景,紧跟潮。DOGE will be here.  这个课是为即将消减的大批政府雇员,量身定做。Mike 教官的课总是干货满满,好评连连。 请大家不要错过,没有注册的尽快扫码注册。前面缺了课,教官会给补课.

社区服务专栏 – iTalkBB银联卡

1/10星期五晚上8:30,我们将开启今年的首场社区服务专栏节目,由我们的商业合作伙伴,iTalkBB团队的业务经理给大家介绍他们一项特别业务: iTalkBB银联卡。要回国的朋友们有福利了! 千万不要错过!

Speak to Lead – 时事口语

1/8 星期三晚上9:30pm,coaches from Speak to Lead will provide toastmaster style free workshop, 带大家练习口语,了解美国时事。 请大家参与关注。 话题: Happy New Year Speech

I loved reading these bios- thank you for highlighting. I took a master class with Yo-Yo Ma in college. He is an incredible musician and human being.
Stella Pekarsky
FCPS Vice-Chair Sully District Representative
We are glad to be working with a group of like-minded people towards a better future for this and future generations of ours.
Lan Yue and Kai Zhang
Appreciate the leadership and hard work from CAPA NOVA core members!
Ling Xu