
Fall Community Fair – 9/28/2024

特别通知👆‼️‼️ 我们capa nova将于9/28 ,明天星期六,为华府的乡里乡亲,首次举办“community fair” 届时会有二十多个摊位,county的health service department,我们的商业合作伙伴,还有各路赞助商家都会来和社区的朋友见面,提供服务信息。 另外我们还会组织“yard sale- swap exchange ”,有才艺表演,有棉花糖爆米花,来参与活动的还有免费小礼物。 请大家帮忙宣传,广而告之。 CAPA NoVA是我们华府华裔自己的大家庭。 我们一起来营建我们的家园。期待周六与大家相约相见。🙏❤️  

Speak to Lead – AI 时代的华裔领军人物

9/25,星期三晚上9-10,coaches from Speak to Lead will provide toastmaster style free workshop, 带大家练习口语,了解美国时事。 请大家参与关注。 Zoom ID在flyer里。 topic:AI时代的华裔领军人物


9/26 星期四,8:30pm-10:00pm, 是我们这个月的职场面对面,Young Professional Series. 我们请到两位非常优秀的speakers,跟我们的听众聊聊AI and Data Science.

I loved reading these bios- thank you for highlighting. I took a master class with Yo-Yo Ma in college. He is an incredible musician and human being.
Stella Pekarsky
FCPS Vice-Chair Sully District Representative
We are glad to be working with a group of like-minded people towards a better future for this and future generations of ours.
Lan Yue and Kai Zhang
Appreciate the leadership and hard work from CAPA NOVA core members!
Ling Xu