

🔖Day1: overview of design, build, coding, outreach. Dive into Design. 🔖Day2: finalize design and start to build. 🔖Day3: finish build and start to code. 🔖Day4: finish zigzag and prepare presentation.

CAPA NOVA Summer Leadership Award Party

周日11号下午5:30-7:30,诚挚邀请所有参加CAPA NOVA Summer Leadership Program的学生和家长,Summer Club的Leaders,Summer Camp 的Volunteer以及Core Team Member以及家人来参加Leadership Award Party,地址:6888 Elm Street Suite 2C, McLean, VA 22101. 期待你们的出席,感谢🙏 请大家能来都来!  


CAPA  NOVA是一家专注于社区共建、传统教育和为华人社区利益发声的非盈利机构。我们CAPA的“爱心”发廊从4月14日开始,每周日下午1-5点免费为60岁以上的长者以及需要特殊关照的人群提供免费的理发(单剪)服务。如你或你的家人有需要,可扫描广告上的二维码进入CAPA“爱心”发廊预约登记周日(8月11日)的席位,谢谢!    

I loved reading these bios- thank you for highlighting. I took a master class with Yo-Yo Ma in college. He is an incredible musician and human being.
Stella Pekarsky
FCPS Vice-Chair Sully District Representative
We are glad to be working with a group of like-minded people towards a better future for this and future generations of ours.
Lan Yue and Kai Zhang
Appreciate the leadership and hard work from CAPA NOVA core members!
Ling Xu