

1/26 星期天 2:00~4:00pm,有我们今年首场线下“华府社区,亲子论坛” 活动。欢迎家长一起来倒苦水,听经验,习本领,树信心。 活动嘉宾讲员是我们的稚云老师。capa nova会提供refreshment。 

Posture: The Foundation for Healthy & Vibrant Living 

1/14, 星期二晚上8:30, 我们给大家安排了一场健身讲座。希望大家在新年里有一个健康的开始。❤️ ✅您或您的孩子有弓腰驼背的习惯吗? ✅您有腰背肩颈疼痛吗? ✅您经常感觉疲劳,紧张,焦虑吗? 欢迎参加我们的健康公益讲座 Posture: The Foundation for Healthy & Vibrant Living ✨时间: 1 月14 日周二晚 8:30 ✨ Zoom Meeting ID: 823 6033 7335 Passcode: 905988 在这一小时互动式讲座中您会:

LA Infernos

1/15星期三晚上9:30pm,coaches from Speak to Lead will provide toastmaster style free workshop, 带大家练习口语,了解美国时事。 请大家参与关注。 话题: LA infernos

The Conversations with God

我们今年会推出一套系列读书分享活动,会有近50期,涵盖东西经典,人物传记,科技未来,个人成长和纵观历史。 1/16下周四晚上8:30, 将是我们的第一期。介绍Neale Donald Walsch‘s book 《The Conversations with God》 

Early Retirement Tax Planning for Federal Employees

1/16 星期四晚上 9点Coach Mike 将继续他的为期四周的精彩讲座: Early Retirement Tax Planning for Federal Employees.  应时应景,紧跟潮。DOGE will be here.  这个课是为即将消减的大批政府雇员,量身定做。Mike 教官的课总是干货满满,好评连连。 这是本期活动的最后一讲 🌟

I loved reading these bios- thank you for highlighting. I took a master class with Yo-Yo Ma in college. He is an incredible musician and human being.
Stella Pekarsky
FCPS Vice-Chair Sully District Representative
We are glad to be working with a group of like-minded people towards a better future for this and future generations of ours.
Lan Yue and Kai Zhang
Appreciate the leadership and hard work from CAPA NOVA core members!
Ling Xu