马友友(Yo-Yo Ma)
【4/11/2021】CAPA NoVA Distinguished Chinese American Project (Written by: Jing Bai) 马友友(Yo-Yo Ma) is a world renowned cellist with over 100 albums, including 18 Grammy Awards that span a variety of…
Chinese American Parents Association of Northern Virginia
【4/11/2021】CAPA NoVA Distinguished Chinese American Project (Written by: Jing Bai) 马友友(Yo-Yo Ma) is a world renowned cellist with over 100 albums, including 18 Grammy Awards that span a variety of…
Fireside Chat -2: Effective Virtual Learning Host: Lisa Wu (CAPA-NoVA) Panel: Xiaoyan Deng and several experienced parents and high school students Ms. Xiaoyang Deng has…
[Seminar – 7] Stormwater Management Program 【讲座 – 第7期】雨水管理项目 Date:04/11/2021 Speaker:Dr. Jane (Zhongyan) Xu
[Seminar – 6] Safety Is Our Priority 【讲座 – 第6期】安全第一 Date: 04/09/2021 Speaker: MPO Eric Nelson Community building: How to work together as a community to ensure a safer place…
[Seminar – 5] Emotional Freedom Technique 【讲座 – 第5期】情绪释放技术 Date: 02/05/2021 Speaker: Dr. Xinyi Ma, M.D., C.Ht