[Seminar – 4] Public Speaking for Students

【讲座 – 第4期】公共演讲 – 学生如何在学区委员会会议上发言?


Speaker:Mike Nie


Notes from “Public Speaking for Students”:

1. Introduction of CAPA and the purpose of the presentation.

2. Introduction of the speaker, Mike Nie.

3. Guest Speaker Andrew’s past presentation recorded in September 13, 2018.

4. Andrew’s interpretation of how to give a real speech:

     – How to overcome anxiety and fear of speech.

     – What’s your motivation to decide to speak at the school board meeting?

       It’s a sense of social responsibility and public speech is an effective way to achieve that. Andrew was inspired by a Chinese saying that “修身齐家治国平天下.”

     – How to prepare for a speech?

     – Prepared in a mirror for 50 times.

     – How do you build the confidence?

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      Since sophomore I started boxing training and now I feel gaining most confident though reading philosophy. And public speaking is definitely a great way to build confidence.

5. Kevin, a 4th grader talked about the playground issue.

6. Yuyan encouraged everyone to be more confident with our English.

    You must always to tell yourself My English is good enough. My idea is worth of value. You must demonstrate that value that you present.

7. Jay Song, the founder of 华府华语 gave a speech.

    – Introduction of the contests of public speaking hosted by 华府华语.

    – People can search “American’s future” in YouTube.

    – Why is public speaking so important for an American-born-child?

    – As the first generation parents, how do we help our children succeed?

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    – The skill that we put our mind into other’s brain is public speaking skill and it is the most important skill.

    – Always ask yourself: do you want to be a leader? Or do you want to be a follower?

8. Video of Speaking Coach Alice speak at Fairfax County School.

9. Some recommendations of opportunities regarding our students can practice their public speaking skills.

    – Jay: Every opportunity to talk counts

    – Jay: Your political view will have no value unless you go out to talk

    – Yuyan: Added a point that we want our students to be a great observer and thinker.

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    – Jay: Get yourself to be familiar with the topic and develop your opinion.

    – Jay: Push yourself to participate in contests

    – Jay: A lot of programs in high schools

    – Yuyan: “Our children will never listen to what we say, but they will always mimic what we do.”

    – Jay: Communication skill will eventually make you a leader.

10. Q&A

    – Any Toastmaster nearby? During the COVID-19, only held in local high schools.

    – How to quickly prepare for a speech.

11. Andrew’s sharing of his view. He is grateful for his mom for giving him space to develop.

By Xi Su

CAPA-NoVA Volunteer

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