[Seminar – 11] Multilingual Classical Education: A Classical Conversation
[Date & Time] Friday, 6/4/2021, 8:30 – 10:00 PM
[Guest Speaker] Alice Guo
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U6cUflQOCA
文礼书院旗下“国际读经”平台去年三月的文章《疫情下中美纷争之我见 | 美国华裔母亲中英双语打全场》引起了很多读者的关注和赞赏。而这位打满全场的海外华裔母亲Alice Hong Guo (郭宏),曾经是西安交大的外语讲师,获得荣誉无数,她曾追求知识的无限,读千本书、行万里路,向往花花世界、活得风风火火;又是什么因由让这位才华横溢的讲师突然沉潜下来,闭关三年、读书千遍?从供职于美国前80强企业,到放弃高薪升职的机会,辞职在海外开办中英文经典学校,这中间她经历了什么?抑或是得到了哪位高人的指点?她是如何放弃纷纷扰扰的“风景”,一心向往远大的“北辰”?让我们一起跟随Alice老师的脚步,前去探个究竟吧。
Alice Hong Guo (郭宏)老师简介:美籍华裔,定居美国多年,精于英语演讲,Impact Speaking Academy创办人。2000年参加国际演讲协会、多次参加国际演讲比赛且获奖。2012年之前为美国本土成年人进行英语商务演讲和团队培训,2012年开始教授中小学生“公开演讲”课程。2016年启动“弘毅致远”学堂,与Impact Speaking Academy相呼应,致力于中西会通的经典教育工作。
Alice Guo’s Bio:
Alice Hong Guo, an award-winning English lecturer at Xian Jiao Tong University, China before landing in America in 1997 for Graduate Study in Accounting and Business.
Alice competed on club, area, division and district levels between 2000-2008 in various international speech contests. She also served as Club President, Area and Division governor for Toastmasters International.
Alice has conducted hundreds of business seminars and leadership training sessions for native English speakers between 2003-2011. She started coaching young students in public speaking in 2012, and registered Impact Speaking Academy subsequently. Alice has spoken in various community events including FCPS School Board meetings, Civil Right Events and various educational events.
In 2019, Alice resigned from a comfortable corporate job at a Fortune 100 company, in pursuit of classical education for her children and students. During July 2019, close to 100 students aged 5-17 had memorized approximately 1,000 classical English articles in grand total, including “The Declaration of Independence”, “A Tale of Two Cities”, “Address at Gettysburg”, “On Justice by Plato” and “I Have A Dream” etc. Many of her young students are well-versed in Confucius’ Analects (论语), Mencius (孟子), The Great Learning (大学), The Mean (中庸) and Three Character Cannon (三字經).
Alice has discovered that the decline of the education was exacerbated by the decline of the classics, the timeless wisdom and truth of humanity. While a bilingual classical education can truly lay the foundation for a lifetime critical thinking and unleash the students’ potentials, the traditional cultural renaissance can also bring the best of the ancient eastern wisdom to solve the tough problems of the Western countries, including America.
At the core, humanity shares more in common than the differences demonstrated on the surface. It is powerfully illustrated in one of Alice’s favorite words of Confucius’ wisdom in the Analects: 子曰:”仁者不忧,智者不惑,勇者不惧” Confucius remarked “ The intelligent and the wise are never disorientated; the kind and the benevolent are never beset with worries; the brave and the valiant are never gripped with fears.” According to Confucius, an ideal man is wise, kind and valiant. According to Shakespeare, an ideal man is a mixture of a scholar’s complexity, a child’s simplicity and a warrior’s valiance.
Alice Guo’s PPT:
Event Flyer: