CAPA NoVA:  A nonpartisan and nonprofit organization dedicated to education, community service and advocacy for equal rights and opportunities for Asian and Asian Americans

Our Slogan:  Diverse Cultures, One Community

Our Missiong Statement:  To unite, power and advance our Chinese Americans and the boarder community by builiding community relationships, promoting learning and advocating equal rights and opportunities on all fronts

Our Proposed Action Plans:

The CAPA NoVA leadership team has been listening to the voices of our community through meetings, online chats and forum discussions over the past six months.  With the inputs from our community, we are pleased to announce the following action plans to build our community and #StopAsianHate.  We will continue to make updates to reflect the voices of our community.

相关阅读:  [Fireside Chat - 3] Asian American Youth – Their Identity & Experience

We need your support to carry out these action plans, please join our efforts by registering as a member (CLICK HERE), becomings a volunteer (CLICK HERE ) and making donations (CLICK HERE).

1) Join efforts with the other community organizations

  • Adopt a consistent slogan for use in social media and rally :  #StopAsianHate
  • CAPA NOVA newly created our Twitter and Facebook account, please visit us and like US
  • Nationwide Vigil for Altanta Murder Victims, jointed organized by UCA and CAPA-NoVA: Saturday 03/20/2021
  • Coordinate efforts across the nation and influence the legislative and policy changes to protect equal rights and opportunities for Asian and Asian Americans (more to come)
  • Join efforts to donate to the victims’ families (more to come)
相关阅读:  10-11:30am, Saturday, 3/2,24/2024~观古知今: 上下五千年 ~ Leader by: Dr. Jennifer Xu

2) Advocate the inclusiveness of Asian American history and cultures in our local communities to raise awareness

  • Advocate the education system in VA to include Asian American history in the school curriculum
  • Compile learning materials on Asian cultures, heritage and contributions to educate the broader community
  • Advocate for fair representation of AAPI in the school decision-making process and for equal rights and equal opportunities for AAPI

3) Advance social justice and increase protection for our Asian and Asian Americans

  • Contact our local police departments to inquire their action plans to protect our community; invite them to provide education seminars
  • Influence the Northern VA school system to re-enforce policies on anti-Asian bullying and behaviors, via emails/open letters to the school boards and committees
  • Raise awareness of safety and self-protection in our community by compiling and diseminating relavant information and seminars
相关阅读:  Tue Nov 21, 2023, 8:30-9:30pm: SMART LIFE ~ VIP Speaker: Mike Nie CPA, CFA, CFP, IRS EA

4) Organize community out-reach programs and volunteer events to build a strong community and confront anti-Asian

  • Our current programs include the monthly Fireside Chat series, special topics Speaker Series, monthly Book Clubs and volunteer events (e.g. Spring Cleaning).  CLICK HERE to browse our past and upcoming events


We openly welcome feedback and suggestions from our members to stay united and build a strong community.


Thank you.


CANA NoVA leadership team

By Lisa Wu

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