Archives: Events

Satier Communication Method

Offered through a Zoom session and led by KCSC. Learned Satier Communication skills. Benefits anyone who wants to improve communication skills.

Scholarship in college applications

Offered through Zoom session and led by Lisu. Talked about how to maximize student's scholarship in college applications. Benefits students going to college.

Demanding College Admission Transparency

Offered through Zoom session and led by CAPA NoVA. Discussed college admission issues, and how to protect our own rights. Benefits anyone who wants to understand the college admission process better.

Preplingo Chinese Class for Kids!

还是星期天,4/21, 晚上8:00, 是我们与preplingo合作,为社区的华裔小娃娃们准备的汉语教学。希望大家会喜欢她们的寓教于乐,应时应景的话题。