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Northern Virginia Women+Girls Gathering

Remember for 4/29, Monday 7-9pm at McLean, First Lady of Virginia Suzanne S. Youngkin invites the Women+girls (W+g) of Northern Virginia to join her in an evening of discussion and fellowship surrounding Workforce and Well being.

嚴歌苓老师 in person book signing

特别提醒: Another great opportunity to meet 嚴歌苓老师in person and buy her books and have them signed. less than 150 books left. please note, this CAPA NoVA hosted event is on 4/22 Monday 5:30 at Great falls library. You are encouraged to attend and join us on this special event! CAPA NoVA 2/11 严歌苓访谈视频


CAPA NoVA McLean 6888 Elm St. Suite 301, McLean

4/21, 我们的爱心发廊家将继续为老年人提供免费剪发服务。请大家帮忙宣传。 有需要的请扫码预约。