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2021年维州副州长参选人辩论会: 在过去的2020鼠年当中,我们因为新冠疫情和社会动荡像老鼠一样躲在家里担惊受怕,然而教育改革和亚裔仇恨这些无妄之灾还是不断落在我们的头上。我们从来没有像现在这样需要关心社区,参政议政,积极维权,更重要的是用我们手中的选票把挑拨矛盾和伤害亚裔的投机政客们从政府部门驱逐出去,让我们相约在2021牛年里牛起来!

Meeting between Fairfax County School Board Members and Chinese Community

Chinese American Parents Association of Northern Virginia (CAPA-NoVA)  will host a Zoom meeting with two Fairfax County Public School Board members, Ms. Elaine Tholen (Dranesville District Representative) and Ms. Rachna Sizemore Heizer (At-Large member), on Friday May 5th 7:30-8:30pm, to address any questions or concerns from our community.