Fairfax County 主办春节联欢活动Twin Lakes Golf Course
2/8 星期六, CAPA NoVA 受邀,将参办由Fairfax County 主办的春节联欢活动。 时间是6~8点在 Twin Lakes Golf Course。 欢迎大家来一起热闹
Chinese American Parents Association of Northern Virginia
2/8 星期六, CAPA NoVA 受邀,将参办由Fairfax County 主办的春节联欢活动。 时间是6~8点在 Twin Lakes Golf Course。 欢迎大家来一起热闹
2/7星期五晚上7点,还有HS Math Competition Study Group。 Students will tackle and discuss challenging math problems. They will learn to think at an advanced level and explore a variety of math topics, including…
2/7星期五晚上7点是AP 中文班。 Students will practice listening, reading, writing and speaking Chinese together. Study materials include signs, advertisements, video clips, news broadcasts, and written texts adapted from newspapers.
2/7星期五晚上6点是中文经典阅读班。 今年,我们讲给孩子们介绍《大学》。 《大学》原为《礼记》中的第四十二篇。朱熹将《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》合编注释,称为《四书》,从此《大学》成为儒家经典。书中着重阐述了个人道德修养与社会治乱的关系,是初学入德之门。课程设计以培养兴趣为重,由浅及深,习文知理,明心见性。
2/7星期五晚上6点,还有为家长办的Free Stretch Fitness Class。 This is a low impact fitness class, combining Yoga and Pilate, with focus on stretches to build flexibility and endurance. Please bring your own floor mat,…