CAPA NOVA是一家专注于社区共建、传统教育和为华人社区利益发声的非盈利机构。我们CAPA的“爱心”发廊从4月14日开始,每周日下午1-5点免费为60岁以上的长者以及需要特殊关照的人群提供免费的理发(单剪)服务。如你或你的家人有需要,可扫描广告上的二维码进入CAPA“爱心”发廊预约登记周日(8月11日)的席位,谢谢!
Chinese American Parents Association of Northern Virginia
CAPA NOVA是一家专注于社区共建、传统教育和为华人社区利益发声的非盈利机构。我们CAPA的“爱心”发廊从4月14日开始,每周日下午1-5点免费为60岁以上的长者以及需要特殊关照的人群提供免费的理发(单剪)服务。如你或你的家人有需要,可扫描广告上的二维码进入CAPA“爱心”发廊预约登记周日(8月11日)的席位,谢谢!
[奥盛学堂]隆重推出2024秋季课后班俱乐部活动 Awesome Academy After School Club Activities. 适用于6岁以上的小朋友。感兴趣的家长可登陆: 或者扫描Flyer上的二维码了解详情。感谢🙏
这是我们capa nova summer volunteer opportunities。 大人孩子都欢迎。 we have added a lot of new programs recently, and we can use your help! (This link is just for summer programs, we will…
Starting from May 30, 2024 Thursday – Chinese and Friday – English, CAPA NoVA has started an S-Corp four week training program. This coming Thursday 6/6, will be the 2nd…
One month Leadership program that offers comprehensive training in grant proposal development, equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to secure funding for their organizations. Through interactive workshops, personalized coaching,…