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截止至2021年4月2日22时,我们共收到  709 份社区反馈。感谢大家的大力支持,我们也非常希望听到学生的意见。


由于亚特兰大案件的发生及亚裔歧视和仇恨问题日益严重, CAPA-NoVA在2021年3月22日向FCPS校董会发出公开信反映社区情况,对过去一年中FCPS领导层在反对亚裔歧视方面不作为提出意见。同时CAPA-NoVA为反对亚裔歧视和仇恨提出如下建议:

  • 在FCPS课程中增加亚裔历史教育
  • 为五月的AAPI月制定计划,宣传和庆祝亚裔文化和传统
  • 在FCPS员工和学生的多元化培训中包括反对亚裔仇恨内容
  • FCPS校董会检查在FCPS各委员会中亚裔代表合理席位,并主动在决策过程中包括亚裔社区


These are very powerful.

  • Elaine Tholen (School Board Member, Dranesville District)

I am very concerned with the rise in hate crimes and bias against Asian Americans. I offered a resolution at our last School Board meeting, which was voted unanimously by our Board, to recommit our support to our AAPI students, families, and staff.

  • Stella Pekarsky (School Board Member, Sully District)

Hate of any kind has no home in FCPS, but we must continue to walk the walk and not just speak in platitudes. We will continue to work to better support our AAPI community.

  • Laura Jane Cohen (School Board Member, Springfield District)

I look forward to talking with you to determine next steps for which the Board can advocate in support of suppressing and eradicating anti-Asian rhetoric in our school.

  • Ricardy Anderson (School Board Member, Mason District, School Board Chair)




March 22th, 2021

Dear FCPS School Board Members,

Thank you for working closely with the community and approving Option D for the FCPS 2021-2022 School Calendar! This option strikes a good balance between the instructional needs of our students and recognizing the broad cultural and religious diversity in our community without the additional burden on FCPS employees and parents. A big step forward to get ready for the upcoming school year!

As we have now finalized the calendar, we are directing your immediate attention to the anti-Asian racial violence increasing in our county and our nation. The tragic Atlanta shootings on March 16, 2021 killed eight people including six American women of Asian descent. The Asian American community is shocked, sad and furious and the nation is grieving.  While the motive of the deadly shootings is not clear, this is not an isolated incident. Over the past year, anti-Asian attacks are up to nearly 4000 incidents across the nation, resulting in many deaths and injuries of innocent Asian Americans. The Chinese Asian Parents Association of Northern Virginia (CAPA-NoVA) community strongly condemns any discrimination and hate crime targeting Asian Americans or other races, and any conduct or policy that incites and exacerbates

The Asian American communities across the country have been increasingly nervous and fearful about the safety of their family members and friends, and are very worried that deadly tragedies could happen given the rising anti-Asian violence. Nothing is more disheartening than anticipating tragedies like the Atlanta shootings and not being able to prevent them. We appreciate the prompt response from FCPS that condemned hate crimes targeting Asian Americans. However, we feel that the FCPS leadership has not done enough, if any, to stop anti-Asian hate over the past year. We advocate the Board to conduct a full review of the education system and take more actions to prevent such tragedies and any anti-Asian violence from happening in our own community.

We believe the best way to fight against anti-Asian hate crimes is to promote mutual understanding and inclusiveness in the community. We will advocate that the General Assembly includes Asian American history studies in all public schools. FCPS can take the lead to include study on Asian American history in the school curriculum.  We strongly recommend that FCPS develop a plan for the upcoming May Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month to recognize and celebrate Asian cultures and heritage.  We also strongly urge FCPS to include topics against anti-Asian hate in diversity training for FCPS employees and students. We request the FCPS School Board to review the FCPS committees for fair representation of the Asian American community, and proactively include Asian communities such as the CAPA-NoVA in the decision-making process.

The CAPA-NoVA community is ready to work with the FCPS Board, FCPS administrative team and other Asian American communities, to provide input and support the above recommendations.  We are looking forward to your response and feedback.



Yuyan Zhou, President of CAPA-NoVA

Jun Wang, Vice President of CAPA-NoVA

Jay Song, Vice President of CAPA-NoVA


  • I strongly believe the Asian History should be added to FCPS curriculum.
  • School should always be merit based and not affected by race, gender, income etc. That’s the only way to nurture talent so they will grow at the full capacity to help the country grow.
  • Advocate Asian culture and focus on education building stem skills
  • Very nice start and fast actions. Work with all parties.
  • Thank you for speaking up!
  • 在费郡课程中增加亚裔历史教育 — This is the perfect way for FCPS to truly show their support and respect to AAPI community!
  • The way to go!


  • Teach Asian history and how they got here and built the railroads and have contributed to the growth of this country. And how poorly they were treated yet still persevered.
  • To be more inclusive and include relevant components to make the education topics more holistic, give everyone a voice, and provide unbiased views on historical events.
  • Please include Asian American history in the school curriculum.
  • 希望从孩子开始,加强大家对文化之间的交流,减少种族之间的仇恨。
相关阅读:  Survey Results on Calling for Actions to Stop Asian Hate


  • In the area of US history concerning Asians, focus on US occupation of the Philippines in the 19th century, US anti-Asian immigration policies and US internment camps. Have students write a fictional diary from the perspective of a victim of racial discrimination.
  • Include Asian American history in our textbook please.
  • Introducing Asians who have changed the world in different but positive ways.
  • I think this is an important initiative. It’s critical that our children are educated on diversity and equality, and be educated about the history of how this diverse and strong country has evolved.
  • Listen to all the complaints from parents.
  • As an Asian American, I’m grateful that CAPA NoVA is voicing our concerns and speaking out about Asian hate. I think that incorporating history of Asian countries, especially in world history classes, would be beneficial in creating students who are well-rounded and knowledgeable about various cultures.
  • Thank you for all your effort! Greatly appreciate it!!
  • Promoting equity should not be done by taking opportunities away from Asians, another vulnerable group. There are better ways to fix equity problem. Academic excellence should not be sacrificed, either.
  • I support your recommendations to include Asian early immigration perspectives in US history.
  • I strongly support, and thank you for initiate this so more Americans can know our contributions and appreciate Asian community.
  • Asian is a part of this community, American Asian history is definitely a part of American history. Learning lessons from history teaches us value sharing, understanding and appreciation. Learning from past makes us how to create a future for our future generations, the masters of this world.
  • 动议很好!
  • 希望增加的历史能是中立态度,客观讲述历史,而不带政治因素。
  • 在费郡课程中增加亚裔历史教育, 反对亚裔歧视和仇视。


  • Educate students on Asian American Culture and Asians contribution to our country. Recognize students acheivment and hard work regardless of their race, gender and ethnicity background; Reevaluate admission to GT and TJ, student award process to make sure the process is fair and based solely on student’s academic performance regardless of race, gender and ethnicity; Promote equity and respect for hard work throughout FCPS community.
  • It’s a good idea to add more Asia culture curriculum in kids class or even reading materials.
  • I believe the earlier grade levels (1-3) should mainly focus on building healthy habits as well as creating bonds between the classmates instead of trying to find some random topic to teach just to have some form of curriculum (e.g Indians mainly ate corn, beans, and squash). This will also give teachers more time to invest into the students as they are not grading papers or planning out each unit. Grades 4-6 should teach students the basics of each topic (math, science, english, history) and give them a foundation to learn from. Grades 7-8 should not be trying to teach the students as much information as possible, but instead try to get them interested in the topic, not by turning everything into a game (though that can work as well) but just by teaching things that are interesting as well as intuitive (Youtube channels such as CGP Grey as well as Veratisium will show that there are many people who will find these topics interesting as well as fun to learn, and many students will say that they enjoy reading and will have fun discussing it with others, it’s just that analyzing it further than the author intended for a grade ruins the experience). Afterwards students can focus on which topic they would like to study. Beyond that I don’t have any suggestions because I don’t have any experience there. As for the grading system in general, I feel like it’s very oppressive. By that I mean you focus less on learning the topics and more on getting a good grade, because a grade is permanent and a bad grade you got from the beginning of the year will greatly affect your overall grade until the next quarter. This is why you’ll commonly find students grinding out their homework the day before it’s due, or cramming for a test the day before it’s assigned. This also ruins their overall enjoyment of the topic because they’ll not view the topic as a learning experience, but a grade. Maybe you could give teachers more power over the gradebook, letting them change earlier grades if they see an improvement in the student, or at least an attempt to. Additionally, you could implement a more sophisticated grading system in which recent grades will affect the student more than ones from the beginning of the year, as well as negating the impact of a single bad assignment.
  • Include more Asian history and cultural education in the public schools.
  • Recruit and hire more Asian employees.
  • It is time to organize and fight for our rights!
  • Let’s keep our efforts persistent. And thanks!
  • Let more people hear our voice via YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media.
  • Add discrimination against Asian history in school classes.
  • Include more Asian American history in the curriculum.
  • This is a great move. Thanks for organizing this!
  • I fully support of advocating that the General Assembly includes Asian American history studies in all public schools and to include topics against anti-Asian hate in diversity training for FCPS employees and students.
  • Learning Asian American history will help people understand the diversity nature among Asians.
  • Every family everybody has their own interests, emphasis and focus, and their unique strengths. Some choose STEM, some choose sports, some choose other life style etc. It’s all their own choices.
  • Thank you for the open letter to the School Board and for the advocacy efforts. They speak to our deep concerns on anti-Asian racism and crimes.
  • Celebrate Chinese New Year holiday. Open Chinese language class in FCPS. Purchase Chinese books/videos in libraries.
  • Appreciate your effort to promote Asian community in FCPS.
  • Continue to work with other CAPA organizations around DMV area, and possibly other regions like Bay Area. The summit was a very good starter.
  • We need to motivate our kids to focus on their education and reward their efforts because we must keep our country to continue to be the world leader. We cannot let other countries catch up with us.
  • Only to make sure to include more than just east and south Asians into the curriculum. I am Southeast Asian (Indonesian), and often feel excluded from the “Asian” conversation.
  • You have done a great job in sending the open letter to the FCPS School Board.
  • I agree with what you have written and support your great efforts.
  • I strongly support, and thank you for initiate this so more Americans can know our contributions, appreciate Asian community.
  • Asian is a part of this community, American Asian history is definitely a part of American history. Learning lessons from history teaches us value sharing, understanding and appreciation. Learning from past makes us how to create a future for our future generations.
  • 在费郡课程中增加对亚裔历史和优秀文化的介绍,包括杰出亚裔人物的事例及他们对美国所作的贡献。学校图书馆添置相关书籍和文献。在校规中严格禁止对亚裔或其他族裔的歧视行为。
  • 坚决支持你们的行动!
相关阅读:  【民调】FCPS日历民调进行中


  • Please include those topics related to the history and contributions of Asian Americans in the history curriculum.
  • Appreciate your time and hard work.
  • 1) Make sure nobody including Asian American kids are discriminated / targeted in AAP and TJ admissions. 2) Strengthen the stem education in FCPS. 3) Establish merit based system in school teacher recruiting.
  • I strongly support CAPA NoVA’s effort to advocate the inclusion of Asian American history in public school curriculum.
  • More educational focus on Asian American history.
  • We would love to see CAPA support future school board candidates, even state representatives from Asian community.
  • My suggestion is FCPS should have a solid curriculum in the school system about Asians and their histories and cultures. It is important to understand the background of someone before making a judgment on this particular person.
  • Support all actions to voice for Asian community
  • 100% support CAPA NoVA activities.
  • Have more Asian board members.
  • Suggest to unify other Asian communities across the northern Virginia to empower more people participation in order to achieve common goals.
  • Thank you to your volunteers for voicing the concerns of our parents!
  • Strongly support!
  • – 在费郡课程中增加亚裔历史教育 – 尽早为五月的亚太历史月制定和公布计划,宣传和庆祝亚太文化和传统 – 在费郡员工和学生的多元化培训中包括#反对亚裔歧视和仇恨#的内容 – 费郡校董会在各委员会中比照亚裔人口的比例增加亚裔代表的席位,并主动在决策过程中征求亚裔社区的意见和建议。
  • 希望及时了解家长会活动和背景。
  • 除了华人媒体和论坛,也多利用主流社交媒体和社区论坛发声,比如用facebook, twitter等。
  • 举行文化节(文化月)、电影周(或其它形式),庆祝亚太文化和传统。
  • 无意见,支持。
  • 强烈支持增加Asian history教育。


  • It’s a great idea to include Asian American history for FCPS awareness and education. It would be helpful to partner with other Asian American groups and provide some general resources for FCPS.
  • My hats off to the amazing leadership team. The CAPA NoVA community Stands together! Proud of being this community!
  • We should have classes on behavior and self-control education.
  • Open a Chinese Immersion Program.
  • We should take more effective actions binding more votes in different level of elections.
  • FCPS need learn from Asian countries/families on how to improve education quality, instead of lowering education standards.
  • Diversity trainings against anti-Asian hate for FCPS employees and students.
  • Allow students to provide inputs on teachers’ performance.
  • The FCPS board needs to stop its bias towards the Asian students. The hate crime started to increase in the FCPS campus. This is inexcusable.
  • Asian American history should be added to education. FCPS should have zero tolerance against bully and racism behaviors.
  • What steps/strategies will FCPS take to address this year’s deficit of learning, so students are prepared for their next year’s courses?
  • Have more outreach community activities.
  • We really appreciate the CAPA NoVA’s effort to represent our Chinese community in NoVA and fight against all the policies which might have negative impact to our community. It’s particularly critical when the entire Asian community is facing the rising hate crimes around the country. In the long run CAPA NoVA organization could have bigger impact on English social media so that our voice can be heard by boarder audiences. Also CAPA NoVA could take some more proactive steps forward such as running for FCPS School board members so that we can deeply engage with the policy making process, instead of just fighting reactively.
  • Does CAPA NoVA and FCPS have collaborations on teaching Asian history or any related activities?
  • It’s important that Asians, especially the East Asians should be treated equally with Whites and Blacks.
  • We need to promote our value and vision of the importance of education and hardworking ethic.
  • History of Asian American is part of history of USA!
  • Asian American history has been long neglected. I strongly support that Asian American history to be included in public school curriculum.
  • The pandemic has changed everyone’s life in unfortunate ways. Our nation has been so much divided. It has never been more important for our schools to teach about humanity and inclusion. I would also like to see more online workshops on youth mental health.
  • History on Asian labor in US during 19th century.
  • Increase Asian representation in the board.
  • Teaching history of different cultures will help people understand different cultures
  • Thanks for the initiative. This will go a long way for everyone to understand the Asian American history and understand each other. It will also help our kids to be proud of being part of a unique culture. We are not just the model minority and we are not invisible.
  • Support CAPA NoVA!
  • 支持为社区发声,为社区服务。
  • 增加亚裔历史的宣传。
  • 多团结各民族。校董会增加亚裔成员。
  • 可增强与其他少数族裔的合作共赢。
  • 支持华裔家长参与费郡校董及委员竞选,发挥族裔影响力!
  • 平等尊重所有人,可以照顾家庭困难的孩子,但不以肤色取。
相关阅读:  Resolution of the Fairfax County School Board to Condemn Anti-Asian Racism and Commit to Action


  • The inclusion of Asian American history in the school curriculum is a fair and right act to recognize Asian American contribution to this country. It can help American understand American history in a more comprehensive way.
  • Build alliance with other Asian communities.
  • Students should have been taught about the individuals who have made immense accomplishments throughout US history, despite the discrimination and inequities Asian American faced.
  • Voice from the Asian community should be heard.
  • Organize Asian American volunteers to give career speeches to students. Help students know about career choices also promote the role of Asian Americans in their contribution to the society.
  • Keep up the good and righteous work!
  • Outreach and collaborate to with diversified communities to build the better future for next generation(s). We are here to showcase our values as Chinese Americans and contribute to the society as a whole to promoting the core values in freedom, equality and justice established by the founding fathers and we all share.
  • Asian American history has been long neglected. There should be more added to school curriculum just as what have been done to Africa American History.
  • Reach out through all forms social media in addition to WeChat.
  • Educating parents is more important than educating children.
  • We need to educate kids to better cope with the recent incidents.
  • Organize more Asian Culture related activities for kids.
  • I strongly support that Asian American history to be included in public school curriculum. The population of Asian American students in Fairfax County has been increasing for the past a few years. The education and discussion in school about Asian American history will not only benefit Asian students, it will also boost mutual understanding among other ethnicities. Thank you!
  • Asian Americans are True Americans too!
  • Thanks CAPA NoVA for taking the lead! It is extremely important for our kids to know the history of USA, know how much Asians have contributed to the country.
  • I support adding Asian American history in the textbooks.
  • Include more Asian American parents in different committees.
  • Keep up the good work, CAPA!
  • Try my best to support you and fight for our Asian rights.
  • Stop identity politics and CRT propaganda as they will create more hate in the community.
  • To FCPS: Asian Americans have done and are doing so much contributions to this country!!! It is absolutely the responsibility of education system to let everyone know what Asian Americans have been doing and their history and their good values about the society, community and family. By doing so would definitely decrease the stupid cold blood hate!!! Do Not Ignore Asian rights and benefits!! We can VOTE!!
  • Thank you for your hard work. This is extremely important.
  • 谢谢北维华裔家长会的各种维权行动。支持任何形式的努力,增加其他族裔对华裔的了解。
  • 建议推举家长进入費郡校董会及委员会。
  • 一年一到两次邀请校董来华裔社区开座谈交流会,促进校董了解华裔社区建设,听取意见。
  • 为了孩子的身心的健康。希望社区可以重视起来目前压抑仇恨的问题。宣传亚裔文化和历史。
  • CAPA-NoVA 刚建但已组织多次关于教育维权的活动,展现了强有力的领导潜质。
  • 支持加入华裔历史,谢谢家长会为华裔学生和家长发声。
  • 希望费郡校董及委员会尽早对反对亚裔歧视和仇恨提出切实可行的议案并在各费郡学校执行。
  • 希望增加亚裔在美发展的历史课程。
  • 感谢北维华裔家长会为社区发声。希望校董及委员会尽快讨论北维华裔家长会的每一项题议。
  • 在费郡员工和学生的多元化培训中包括#反对亚裔歧视和仇恨#的内容!
  • 希望多多倾听华裔家长的声音,凝聚一股有益孩子们身心健康成长的力量,造福一方。
  • 非常感谢北维华裔家长会为维护华人及亚裔社区的正当权益所做出的巨大努力和贡献!完全同意你们的动议,在费郡课程中增加亚裔历史教育等。同时希望费郡校董及委员会能够用就像对待其它族裔一样的态度去重视亚裔学生和家长们所关心的问题,尊重华人及亚裔群体在各方面所做的贡献,反对偏见和歧视,真正用公平公正和包容的原则去看待矛盾和处理问题。
  • 收集民意,代表民意,帮亚裔维权,帮助亚裔和各族裔和谐相处。
  • 尽可能团结各种政治立场的华裔,但坚决反对“中国病毒”这种歧视华裔的说法。
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