7/3/2024 (6 PM-8 PM) The Clay Club
今天青竹学院热闹非凡,家长小朋友都好多,各种各样的活动。clay club第一次活动就爆满了
7/3/2024 (9:30 PM-10:30 PM) Speak to Lead
Also on 7/3 Wednesday night, starting at 9:30pm, our coaches from Speak to Lead, will continue there Toast Master Style workshops, and lead our participants to learn English through current…
7/2/2024 (8 PM-9 PM) Sports Analysis Club
7/2 星期二,我们的两个线上club👆👆 Sports Analysis is a new one just added. 赶紧注册报名
7/3/2024 (6 PM-7:30 PM) Rubix Cube Club
Rubix Cube club at CAPA NoVA Green Bamboo School for students that have a passion for Rubix cubing.