Chinese American Parents Association of Northern Virginia
Back in February, we hosted a special event for Geling Yan. We are very glad to share with you, she is in town this week, and will have a public meeting on Tuesday at George Mason University (see details in flyer) there will be a book signing session after the meeting, so you are encouraged to attend this special event, and you are encouraged to support her by purchasing her books
我們建議大家購買嚴歌苓老師的書籍,尤其是新書《米拉蒂》。4月9日下午嚴歌苓老師會來華盛頓乔治梅森大学,安排了讲座及簽名活動。 (请大家购书后留言,支持严老师)
Milati 米拉蒂 (Chinese Edition)
五本精品套装Top 5 Most Classic Full-Length Novels of Yan Geling (Chinese Edition)
穗子的动物园Prose Collection of Yan Geling (Chinese Edition)